Part 2O: Finding an Asteroid in your Image
Now let’s turn our thoughts to finding a specific object in an image.
In our case, we want to identify an asteroid. It’s not easy! Listen to Chris in this 1:08 video:
(Leaders/Teachers: Refer to the Section 2: Parts K-R Notes in the IDATA Resources)
KLEOPATRA – The asteroid we will study!
Open Afterglow Access with the link below if you do not already have it open. Remember it opens in another tab. Either arrange these instructions side by side with Afterglow Access, or switch between window tabs using ctrl tab#.
You will need to open the files associated with the asteroid Kleopatra.
Go to the library file panel (left side) and click on the file folder at the top. This opens a pop up window.
- Click on Sample. Scroll down to find the folder called Solar System (recall they are in alphabetical order).
- Open the first folder, which says, “Asteroid 216 Kleopatra”. Click the FIRST sample image in this folder.
- Open this file (image) on the Afterglow Access workbench by clicking the “Open” button on the bottom right.
The image should open automatically in the viewer panel. If not, click on it in the list to the left of the viewer panel.
Make sure to center the image using the controls at the bottom right under the image in the viewer panel.
Use your journal to record your thoughts on the questions below:
- 1. On your first look at the image, can you find the asteroid? Is it easy or hard?
- 2. Brainstorm at least three ideas on how to find the asteroid.
- 3. How does sonification work on an asteroid image? Describe what happened in your attempt.