
Part 2P: Two Images of any kind

Don’t feel bad if you did not find the asteroid in that single image. Its almost impossible unless you have previous knowledge of its position!

Could displaying two asteroid images at the same time help? How? Answer in your journal.


Let’s first explore the idea of using two images at a time with galaxies.

The link to Afterglow Access is here if you do not already have it open:

Link to Afterglow Access


a) In Afterglow Access,

  • go back to your file library folder on the upper left and open the Sample folder. Scroll down the list and find the IDATA folder.
  • Scroll down in this folder and find the M83 (galaxy) images – there are three.
  • Click on any two to select them. Then click on Open on the lower right.
  • Your teacher or leader may also have 3D or tactile models of this galaxy available.

b) Afterglow Access has options to show two images at once.

  • In your file library list, click on the image you want to display. You will notice this puts your image in a tab at the top of the viewer window.
  • You may double click on as many images as you would like and they will appear in tabs across the top of the viewer window.

To see two images in the viewer screen at once, go to the very left side of your screen. Under the file library icon is the Global Settings icon. Click on this.

Choose how you would like to view the two images listed in the tab. Close the Global settings by clicking on the icon for the File Library list.. The file highlighted in blue is the active screen.

c) In the viewer panel, find the settings for each image (they are directly under the image).

“Zoom To Fit” the current active image. If you are also using the 3D models, ask yourself what “Zoom To Fit” means for these.

d) Record a few ideas in your journal as to what an astronomer might want to do with two images of the same object.

e) Try the sonification tool on the two images.

f) Record how sonification could help you. Does the tool work when the image is oriented in a different manner? (Recall the Image Orientation Options are available at the bottom of the Display Settings panel – right side).



Answer the following questions in your journal:

a) Why do you think an astronomer would want to add two images together?

  • Relate this to a pair of like sounds. Two phones with the same tone app would demonstrate this nicely. Would there be any reason to combine the pair of sounds?

b) Now go back to the two images. What would need to be done before adding two images together? List several things in your journal.

c) You will have the opportunity to explore the “Image Calculator” tool, which includes addition, in the next part.