
Part 2R: Plotting Tool

Let’s explore one more tool before moving to Section 3.

Answer the following questions in your journal. (**Teachers/Leaders: see the help sheet for Parts K-R)

1. Before going to Afterglow Access to open the Plotter, what do you think the Plotter tool is used for? Record one or two thoughts.
2. After you have answered question 1, go to the Workbench on Afterglow Access (use the link below if you do not already have it open).
3. In the vertical column of tools on the far right, open “Show Plotter”. It is the fourth one down.
4. For your first look at the Plotter tool, have only one image open.
  • You will be trying the various settings.
  • You should play a few minutes.
  • Then answer the questions below in your journal.

a) At the top of the Plotter tool panel you will see the instructions for making measurements on the graph.

Do that if you have not yet done so. As it instructs, don’t click and drag, just click, release, then move.

  • When you mouse over or are on the graph with the cursor, the top right-hand corner of the graph shows four icons for tools to use on the graph.
  • Try each of these.

b) What do you think the graph shows? Record what you think is on the x and y axis.

c) Make a new measurement on the same image.

d) The first drop-down menu under the graph is the mode.

  • Try plotting in the two different modes.
  • Record something in your journal about each mode.

e) The bottom table shows “Measurement” and “Value”.

  • The table is filled in only if a measurement has been made and shows up on the graph.
  • If you have an image that is not from our Solar system, there are more than one set of values for the measurements “Start” and “End”.
  • Can you figure out what they represent? (If you want, try both an image from the solar system and one from outside our solar system).

f) The Length measurement gives three different units.

  • List those units in your journal.
  • Do you know what they mean?
  • Now look at the “Orientation” measurement. Compare that to the orientation of your cross section line. Record what the unit is.

g) You were first asked what might the Plotter tool be used for. Do you have a better idea now? Record your answer in your journal.

5. Open two asteroid images again.
  • Could the Plotting tool help you find the asteroid in the two images?
  • How?
  • Try the slider button that says “Sync Plot Across Files”.
  • Record your thoughts in your journal.

If you are ready to go to the next section, you may either click on the link below, or sgo back to the Main Page and access it from there.